At Fixus Technologies, we are committed to making a positive impact not only through our innovative software solutions but also by actively participating in community initiatives that align with our values. This October, our team is excited to take part in the ‘One Foot Forward’ campaign organised by the Black Dog Institute. This initiative holds […]
Author: Paul Mac

The release of Fixus Case Manager 11.9.0 is complete. This release includes new features and enhancements, security improvements, and bug fixes. The focus of release 11.9.0 has been the introduction of the Victorian Integrated Non-Admitted Health (VINAH) minimum data set into the main Fixus platform and a general set of new and improved features. What’s […]
The release of Fixus Case Manager 11.8.1 is complete. This release includes minor bug fixes. A complete set of release notes is available from the Fixus Knowledge Base.
The release of Fixus Case Manager 11.8.0 is complete. This release brings new features, security improvements, and bug fixes. What’s New A complete set of release notes is available from the Fixus Knowledge Base.
The release of Fixus Case Manager 11.7.1 is complete. This release brings new features, security improvements, and bug fixes. What’s New A complete set of release notes is available from the Fixus Knowledge Base.
The release of Fixus Case Manager 11.7.0 is complete. This release brings new features, security improvements, and bug fixes. The focus of release 11.7.0 has been a set of Primary Mental Health Care (PMHC) incremental improvements and a general set of new and improved features. What’s New A complete set of release notes is available […]
The release of Fixus Case Manager 11.6.6 is complete. This release includes enhancements, security improvements, and bug fixes. What’s New A complete set of release notes is available from the Fixus Knowledge Base.
Fixus Technologies is committed to the secure storage and access to client data. Our systems are used by organisations that provide services to a range of people from a variety of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (CALD). The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) is a Federal Government agency tasked with providing resources to protect and […]
The release of Fixus Case Manager 11.6.5 is complete. This release includes new features and enhancements, security improvements, and bug fixes. What’s New A complete set of release notes is available from the Fixus Knowledge Base.
The release of Fixus Case Manager 11.6.4-H1 is complete. This release includes new features and bug fixes. What’s New A complete set of release notes is available from the Fixus Knowledge Base.